In honor of St. Patrick's Day, my husband and I exchanged the customary pinches with each other for not wearing green. Secretly between you and me, I purposely don't wear green on this day because I quite like having my husband pinch me wherever he chooses! Of course, I remembered what day it was first, so I offered the first pinch of the day with my husband following quickly behind. We went to the usual places first, with the rump being prime
pickins. Only my honey didn't find as much junk in my trunk today as he did last year. He had a hard time finding enough flab there to pinch. He said "Baby, your butts so firm now, I can't even pinch an inch!" Love that man of mine!
As of two days ago, I have FINALLY broken my plateau that I was stuck at for 4
loooooooong weeks! I have now lost a
whoppin grand total of 36 pounds! Can I get a "
Holla?" Or an "
Atta girl?" I am patting my own self on the back right now! Yes I'm proud. I'm not ashamed to admit it. I have worked hard for every single pound! Thanks to everyone for all of your encouragement. It means so much!
Now I must go find my honey so I can find somewhere else to pinch him before this day is over. This is so much fun!!!!!
Atta Girl!!
how does fun with polymner clay msound for friday nite??
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