While I am recovering very nicely and I am no longer experiencing pain or discomfort and my incisions are healing very well, I still have some restrictions from my doctor. This being said, my husband is still doing most of the household chores like vacuuming, laundry, bathing the boys and putting them to bed, and of course, dishes. It’s not that doing dishes is strenuous and I certainly am allowed to do them at least, but the problem is that we don’t have a dishwasher and my largest scar is precisely at the place where the kitchen counter meets my waist. So, it is uncomfortable to say the least. And because my wonderful husband cares so much about my comfort, he continues to do them. Isn’t he sweet? I really have nothing to complain about, except that I have this pet peeve. When the dishes are done, I always immediately let the dish water out, rinse the suds down the drain and wipe the sink. My husband does not share this pet peeve with me. And it annoys me, irritates me, plucks my nerves, rubs me the wrong way…you get the idea. The dishwater could sit all day long for all he cares, he’s a man and I’m pretty sure that most men don’t care about things like that. Like I said, I’m not complaining. I have several friends who would absolutely fall over in amazement if their husband did half the things mine does around the house. Trust me, I know how blessed I am. But I’m just making an observation. On one particular evening, I came downstairs around 10:00 to get a sip of water and I was greeted with this sight! I was disgusted! Dinner and dishes were over hours ago and the water still remained in the sink. Spaghetti is what they had for dinner. I think that my pet peeve came from an incident that happened to one of my sisters, Marie. She left dishwater in her sink all night long and in the morning when she reached down to let the water out, she felt something squishy. When she pulled it out, it was a mouse that had drowned overnight in the water! Can you believe it? She never did that again! And if I was a betting woman, I’d bet that after reading this, you won’t either! Hey, maybe I need to remind my husband of this story one more time!
New Upcycle Ideas 769
23 hours ago