And no, I’m not referring to my coffee. I don’t even drink the stuff. Not tea either. What I’m referring to is what some people might think is a stereotype. I never even imagined that posting a picture of my husband and myself together on my Facebook profile would draw so much attention. Apparently some of my “friends” didn’t know what my husband looks like. Let me say this…I am married to the most wonderful, caring, generous (in more ways than one), kind, gentle, protective, loving husband there is. He is my soul mate. He is the man that God created just for me. When God knit the two of us together separately in our mother’s wombs, He knew what He was doing. He was creating two individuals who were perfect for each other. He was creating a power couple in the Kingdom of God. He was writing the most romantic and beautiful love story ever written. When we met, we knew we were perfect for each other. We talked about getting married on our first date. To me, my husband is the most handsome man on earth. When I look at him, I am constantly thanking God for giving me such a gift as my husband. He stirs up emotions in me that no one else can. The sight of him… his muscles, his hands, his face…his entire body is downright magical to me. How God could create such a perfect compliment to me in every way is beyond my comprehension. Suffice it to say, we were made for each other! But while we saw what God had intended for us to see in each other, there were those who didn’t quite agree with our union. And there are still those who think we should not be married, nor have children together. And sadly, some of those individuals are family. If you take notice, in describing my husband above, never once did I mention his skin color. It has nothing to do with why I love him so much. Yes I am married to an incredible man, and he just happens to be black. I’ve heard way too many stereotypical comments lately that, quite frankly make me angry. You know the ones I’m talking about. Big bald black man + plus sized white girl = A BIG FAT STEREOTYPE! My husband happens to be big and bald and I just happen to be a plus sized white girl. Total coincidence. Another stereotype…yes I’m gonna say it….big feet = you know what. Stop looking at my husbands feet and making crude references! I don’t appreciate it! There’s more, but I’m gonna stop there. Oh, and don’t get me started on the stereotypes about bi racial children. Enough is enough. Can’t we just accept one another as human beings? Skin color makes no difference. I love what my husband’s great aunt Flora (who’s in her 80’s) said to me the very first time we met over 10 years ago. She said “Honey, it don’t make no difference what your skin color is. We all bleed the same color blood!” I couldn’t have said it better myself. And you know what else? More importantly than our blood is the blood that Jesus shed for ALL OF US! When He died on the cross for our sins, He did not make any specific requirements for who would be made free by the shedding of His blood. Whosoever will accept Him. That’s who. I can’t help but sing this song to myself every time I hear someone making some kind of racial reference or joke……
Jesus loves the little children
All the children of the world
Red and yellow, black and white
All are precious in His sight
Jesus loves the little children of the world