Mmmm...I just love the smell of Home Depot. You know, that aroma that smacks you right in the face as soon as you walk through those double doors. It's the tantalizing blend of sawdust and paint with just a hint of fertilizer. There's nothing like it. Maybe it's because it reminds me of when I was a little girl and I would walk into my father's wood shop to watch him work on one of his latest creations. Or maybe it's because each time I've ever had the occasion to go to Home Depot, it was to purchase supplies for a project in our home, which by the way, hasn't been very often. My husband is not a "project" kinda guy. I think it's the excitement of a project. The thrill of creating something, making some changes to your environment, or making improvements. I just love it! So, a few days ago when I snuck out to run some errands while my hubby and boys were napping, and after dodging carts and the angry mob at
Wal Mart, I ran into the Depot to see if they had what I needed for a “project” I had in mind. A little while ago, I found this awesome blog
Punkin Seed Productions and I was so inspired by the adorable little blocks that Kristi created. She sells them on her Etsy site. I decided to try my hand at it. You
wouldn’t think that wooden blocks would be that difficult to find, but apparently they are not a popular item at all of the craft stores. I
couldn’t find what I was looking for anywhere. Off to Home Depot I went. As a side note, I much prefer the fellas in orange to the guys at Lowe’s. In my experience, the employees are much friendlier and willing to help you. For example, several years ago I had this crazy idea to make our bed really high like those ones you see in all of the decorating magazines. I read in a book that one way to make your bed higher was to use 4 inch wide plumbers
PVC pipe to rest your bed frame in. I went to Lowe’s. They acted like I was crazy and they
wouldn’t cut the lengths that I needed. The fellas in orange over at the Depot were more than happy to oblige. In fact, they not only made me feel as if I
wasn’t crazy, but they gave me the impression that they do that kind of thing every day for silly housewives trying to keep themselves busy with projects around the home. Well after spending $20 on the piping, it
didn’t work. So I went to plan B. For the past 5 years, my bed frame has been sitting on cinder blocks that are hidden underneath 2 layers of bed skirts. You’d never know it. Anyway, I’m getting off track here. I quickly found a gentleman to help me with what I needed. He found the exact size of lumber that I was looking for and cut it into little blocks for me right there on the spot.

For $6.00, I purchased an 8 ft. length of 1x3, which was cut into about 30 or so 2 and 3 inch blocks, and some sandpaper.

When I arrived home and walked through the door, my very wise husband who has learned over the years not to question my ideas, just looked at my little box of blocks and sandpaper and shook his head and smiled. I could not wait to get started. This is where I should tell you that I forgot to take pictures of the process. I always do that. I somehow remember to take before and after photos, but get so excited to do the project that I always forget the in between stuff. So anyhow, I found some white paint from my stash of craft supplies and got down to business. It took 3 coats of craft
paint to cover the blocks. I think next time, I'll try regular paint, not the acrylic craft kind. But while the paint was drying, I managed to keep myself busy rummaging through all of my scrapbook papers to find coordinating colors to decoupage onto my blocks with good old Mod
Podge! My husband even helped me choose the papers to use. He's so supportive of my silly ideas! These were going to be a gift for a friend's birthday, so we chose colors we thought she'd like. My wonderful sister, Melissa from
The Vintage Attic introduced me to Mod
Podge a few months ago and my life has never been the same. Love the stuff! Oh yeah, that reminds me, I owe her a bottle since I "borrowed" hers and used it all up. Sorry, Miss. I'll get right on that. So, when the decoupaging was done, I found some ribbon and embellishments to put the finishing touches on the blocks. I chose chipboard letters to spell out the word "Diva". Actually, it was my husband again who came up with the word to use. I only had the size I needed in blue, so I painted them brown. I glued them on and put a coat of Mod
Podge over the letters and paper. My friend has 4 children, so I chose a charm for the first letter of each of her children's names to decorate one of the blocks. I used ribbon, flowers and gems to decorate the rest of them.