……But Look at me now!
I was at the gym today doing my usual 30 minutes on the elliptical and listening to my music on my MP3 player and honestly, I didn’t want to be there. That song “Rainy Days And Mondays” kept going through my head. Today we had both. Lots and lots of rain. I really didn’t want to even get out of my pajamas let alone leave the house, but my dear husband pushed me to go. He really wanted to go and insisted that I go too. So, being the obedient wife that I am (oh dear when he reads this, he’s gonna gag!) I went with him. And we drug our 2 littlest sons with us in this awful weather. The oldest one was at school. After we dropped the boys off at the childcare area, my husband went off to do his thing and I was dragging my feet to get to the fitness center. My husband usually lifts weights first and then does his cardio while I like to do it the other way around. Except I usually use the machines instead of free weights like he does. But I think he took pity on me because he came over to the cardio side and got on the elliptical right next to me. Well, not being one to be shown up, I felt like I had to work out hard with him beside of me. I decided to do something different this time. Instead of working the elliptical manually, I set it to do a program for me. I chose the one for weight loss. This particular one gives you several minutes of intense resistance and then a few minutes of no resistance and over and over again. I started out alright, but by about 15 minutes, I was ready to be done. Then something happened. A song started to play. It’s one by my favorite artist, Kirk Franklin. I’ve heard it a million times. But this time, I really listened to the words. My inspiration was kicking in! I played it over and over again and before I knew it, I was at 40 minutes! More than I’ve ever done on the elliptical! It was just what I needed to hear to get me through the morning! So I wanted to share it with you. I know that I have much more work to do and I’m only 1/3 of the way towards reaching my weight loss goal, but when I look back to 2 months ago, I can truly say that I’ve come a very long way! And I just want to say to all of those people, yes even some family members that doubted that I would ever make anything of myself and that I would be successful in this new season of my life…….
Persecuted, criticized, been denied and abandoned
Pushed away, given away, some days I couldn't imagine
Getting harder, getting colder, was hard for me to see
Tired of runnin', tired of hurtin', even got tired of me
Tired of cryin', tired of tryin' to forget my mistakes
Tired of bein' in this storm, how much more can I take
Many nights in my life, tell me why
I shed more tears, my eyes would allow
And after all that
Look at me now!
I'm stronger this time around!
Not because I was so good, but somehow
You looked past where I was
And you knew I'd come through cause You loved me
Look at me know!
So many didn't make it through
That's why this heart belongs to only You!
How can I complain 'bout the pain I went through
Cause it grew me
Look at me now!
Had no hope, had no future, even too hard to dream
No one told me, “boy, you can be whatever you want to be”
Then You saved me and You gave me reason to breathe again
Not perfect, ya'll, but I'm gon' run 'til I make it to the end
(It ain't easy when your life's filled with wounds that won't heal)
And you fight through the lies trying to find what's for real
Everyone wants the prize but they can't stand the pain
The strength I needed it came that night I cried out Your name
To my people in the struggle, all my soldiers and believers
To my survivors of Rita, Katrina and even FEMA
(All things are working together for our good)
Look at me now!
I'm stronger this time around!
Not because I was so good, but somehow
You looked past where I was
And you knew I'd come through cause You loved me
Look at me know!
So many didn't make it through
That's why this heart belongs to only You!
How can I complain 'bout the pain I went through
Cause it grew me
Look at me now!
Yes, I've seen some hard times
Some bad choices that I've made fell back on me
But now it's time to move on, move on
Can't let my past hold down my destiny
And even though I don't always know
Why you allow the night to last so long
But when I see the sunlight
It was only to make me strong
Look at me...
Look at me...
Look at me...
Look at me, look at me
I'm better now! I'm closer now!
I'm thankful now! I'm happy now!
Look at me! Look at me!
I'm stronger now! I'm patient now!
I'm grateful now! I'll praise you now!
Look at me! Look at me!
New Upcycle Ideas 769
23 hours ago