I have never been more embarrassed or more thankful in the same moment as I was tonight. What started out as a simple trip to Wal Mart turned into a loving reminder from my Heavenly Father of how much he cares and is concerned about every detail of my life. Since my surgery, there has been very little junk food in our house. My boys have been bugging me all week long for some of it. Judah wanted chocolate and “banilla” donuts with sprinkles and Ezra wanted chocolate cookies. I promised them that when Daddy got paid on Friday, I would go to the store and get those things for them. I was out shopping for some craft supplies for myself earlier in the day during their nap time, but forgot to stop at the grocery store to get their treats. When I got home they were quite disappointed that Mommy forgot about them. So just as soon as I got dinner in the oven, I left my husband in charge once more so I could run to the store and pick up a few “quick” things. Those few things turned into about half of a cart full of items, none of them things we really needed. As I made my way through the store, stopping a few times to pick up some odds and ends and finally to the checkout counter, God’s plan for my sweet reminder of His love for me was into place. As the cashier rang my items up, I grabbed my wallet out of my purse and pulled my check card out, which I use for everything, to pay for my things. The total was $36.12. When I ran the card through the first time and it was declined, I thought nothing of it. Maybe I held the card the wrong way I thought. Then when it was declined the second time, I suddenly remembered something I received in the mail yesterday. It was my new check card replacing my card that had just expired. Not to worry, I thought. I’ll just write a check. I flipped through my checkbook to write one and to my horror I remembered that before leaving the house earlier in the day, I used the last check to write out our tithe that we would be giving on Sunday. Oh no! I was standing there with a line of people behind me… no check card, no checks and no cash! I was mortified! These kinds of things don’t happen to people like me! What was I going to do? And what would my boys think of me when I walked through the door for the second time today with no donuts and no cookies. Their hearts would be broken. And for good reason. I promised them. And to the best of my ability, I always keep my promises. I apologized to the cashier and said that I was so sorry but I would have to give him my bags of things and leave them to be returned to their shelves. Just then, seemingly out of nowhere appeared an usher from our church. He asked what was the matter. I sheepishly explained to him my dilemma. I was about to be reminded of Gods love for me. He pulled out his wallet and handed me $45.00! I told him I couldn't accept it. He insisted and told me Happy New Year and God Bless You! I was speechless. This man only knows me and my family vaguely from church. We speak and shake hands on Sunday morning, but have never had a conversation more than that. But he’s my brother in Christ and he was taking care of one of his family! I could barely keep myself composed at this point. I offered to give him his change when the transaction was complete, but he wouldn’t take it. As I left the store and put my things in the trunk of my car, the tears began to flow. I could barely see the entire way home for the tears blocking my view. The knowledge that my Papa loves me so much to care about something as little as this was overwhelming. As I mentioned, none of the things I purchased were necessary items. They were frivolous, in fact. But God still cared. He cared about me and He cared about my boys. When I walked in the door, still sobbing, my husband greeted me to take the bags and was immediately alarmed at the sight of my tears. When he asked what was wrong, I couldn’t speak. All I could muster was to tell him that nothing was wrong, but everything was right. After I unloaded our purchases and sat down to dinner, I began to explain to my husband and my boys what had just happened. To be able to explain something like this to my boys was incredible. Their Heavenly Father loves them so much that He saw fit to make sure they had not only the things they have need of, but the things they desire as well. This was so precious to me. These tangible teaching moments with my children are priceless. All throughout the evening, as I remembered the events of the day, tears have welled up in my eyes. Sometimes we can get so busy with out lives and our daily responsibilities that we forget just how much Jesus loves us. I didn’t even realize that I needed a reminder of this until today. I feel so special and loved. I’m so thankful to my Father for taking care of me. As I’m typing this, I’m reminded of the reason I had no checks in my wallet. Before I made any purchases using my husband’s paycheck, the first thing we did was to pay our tithes, our first fruits. We were taking care of God’s business and He took care of us. If I ever doubted His provision, this was certainly a reminder of it. I don’t know about you, but God is truly doing a work in me lately and this was just the icing on the cake so to speak. What a loving God I serve!