Call me crazy if you want, but I had an idea. I had spent an entire week taking down Christmas decorations from each room and every nook and cranny of my home. All the while, I was feeling myself getting more and more down about putting those beautiful decorations away for another year. I just love how my home feels when all decorated up for Christmas....all warm and inviting. I love it! I had everything taken down except our largest tree in the living room. I removed all of the garland, ornaments, beads and various other
decorations. Everything was off but the lights. Then it came to me. Why don't I make a Valentine's tree? Brilliant! I love doing crafts and projects especially with paper. So without asking permission from my husband, (who needs it anyway) I got down to business. I rummaged through all of my
scrapbooking supplies, finding papers, trinkets, beads, glitter, pipe cleaners, ribbon
and whatever else I thought might look good on the tree. I spread my loot all out on the dining room table where it remained for 4 days. My poor husband and children had to eat their meals on a little corner that I cleared off for them at meal times. Every spare second was spent
gluing, taping, glittering, cutting, and inking. I was loving life! And best of all, because my hands were busy, I wasn't eating or even thinking about food. The tree was starting to come together.

My boys were even excited to see it finished! And now that it's complete, I think I like it more than I did when it was decorated for Christmas. It's beautiful. And when I look at it, I feel such a sense of accomplishment.

You see, this kind of thing is my passion. I love creating art.

I'm a creative person by nature and I'm happiest when doing just that.

But it's been awhile. A long while since I've done anything creative like this.

I'm not sure why exactly. Of course I've been busy with taking care of my family and my home. But I did somehow manage to do creative things before.

I guess I just kind of lost myself.

But now that I'm focusing on myself more, and not in a selfish way, but in the way that a wife and mother needs to take care of herself,

I'm rediscovering things that I love. I guess you could say I'm kind of like S


And it shows. I think my husband notices. Well I KNOW he does. But I'll talk about that another day.

And my boys notice too.

Their mama is happier.


And that makes all the difference in the world!