Whew! My bum is burnin! But not to worry, it’s not the kind of burn that requires Preparation H. My lovely husband decided that it was time for me to do more than just a cardio workout so he made me do quite a few exercises for the posterior part of my body and I’m feelin the burn today! He had me doing squats, stiff leg dead lifts, some ball exercises and seated chess presses. Oh my, just the names of those exercises makes it sound like I’m training to be a body builder, doesn’t it? But I used very little weight, just enough for some resistance. I trust him, he knows what he’s doing. I know in the long run I’ll thank him, but today is not the day for that. With every laugh and cough today, I’m discovering that I really do have some abs under all that flab! Oh the pain, the pain! Every muscle in my body is aching. Something really exciting that I’ve discovered though is the exercises with the big ball. I had one years ago but got rid of it in one of my cleaning frenzies. My boys have this ball that they got from Wal Mart that is just the same size as the ones at the gym, and I’ve been using that for some abdominal exercises. I love it! And the best thing is I can do it in the comfort of my own home and I didn’t have to spend any money for some piece of equipment. It’s amazing how you can use what you have and still get some exercise. I remember reading in a magazine one time about how busy moms can still get in some exercise. One suggestion was to use soup cans as hand weights. In between laundry and vacuuming, you can do a few sets of bicep curls or tricep extensions. Also, while your cooking dinner at the stove or doing dishes, you can do lunges or squats or those famous kegal exercises. You could even use your baby for some incentive during push ups. You lay your baby on their back on the floor and when you get into your position to do sit ups, position yourself directly above the baby. Each time you lower yourself, you reward yourself and your baby with a kiss! Now that’s incentive to keep going! I wonder if I could get really creative and come up with some more things I can do at home just using normal everyday things around the house. Any ideas? Hmmmm, I’m gonna have to think on this one. But for now, I need to go soak in a tub with some Epsom Salts. I feel like an old woman!