A few weeks ago, a very generous crafter friend of mine blessed my fuzzy leopard print socks right off when she gave me 2 GINORMOUS boxes of crafting and art supplies. They were overflowing with all kinds of goodies, some of which I still haven't figured out how to use yet! There was so much stuff that I was able to share with my sister and a set of young budding crafter triplet sisters from my church and still had so much left over that I had to get another Rubbermaid 7 drawer storage cart to hold it all and that still wasn't enough storage space. Among the loot were 12 books on all kinds of craft techniques and projects...enough to keep my little hands busy for a very long time! My favorite at the moment is one titled "Altered Books Workshop" by Bev Brazelton. I could not wait to get started on some of these techniques. So off to the local thrift store I went where they had hard cover books for 25 cents each. JACKPOT! Oh my, the selection they had! My favorites were the Readers Digest books. What amazing covers they have! Absolutely beautiful just by themselves, but I knew I could make them even more stunning using some of the techniques I learned. I couldn't decide what to try first. I mulled it over for a week before I settled on something. I will try my best to give you a step by step how to even though I forgot once again to take pictures of each stage of the process. I'll try not to bore you. Like most of my projects lately, this one took me 2 days from start to finish keeping in mind I have 3 little boys who require my constant attention. The first step was to choose a book. That was easy enough. This is one of my favorites...
Next apply the Mod Podge to the tops of the page and matchboxes and glue the preceding page to cover the mess.
At this point, I chose to decorate the front and back covers. I didn't have to, but I wanted to give it extra oomph! I just used bits of scrapbook paper and inked the edges to give it an aged look. I used Mod Podge to adhere the paper. Oh, I forgot to tell you that you should give the cover a light sanding to remove any grease or dirt left from fingerprints and handling of the book. This gives the cover a more uniform look and makes it better suited for adhesives.

Next I chose some word trinkets to put into the drawers. You could just place them in the drawer and let them jiggle around, or adhere them. I chose the latter just in case little hands find their way to my new project.
You can anything you want to make the handles on the drawers. I found that beads worked beautifully. I found some that matched perfectly.

I added some additional trinkets, ribbon and ephemera to the front cover because you know, More is always better!
Next I chose some word trinkets to put into the drawers. You could just place them in the drawer and let them jiggle around, or adhere them. I chose the latter just in case little hands find their way to my new project.