As promised, here is my 3 day alternating workout program. I try to exercise 4 times per week and I just keep rotating between upper body workouts, core training , and lower body workouts. I had no idea what most of these exercises were until my husband showed them to me, but if you don't have access to a hunky honey to show you, most gyms have trainers who are willing to guide you in the right direction. Happy exercising....
Day 1
Upper Body
** Cardio: 30 min.before or after strength training** ( Elliptical/Zumba)
*Machine Shoulder Presses: 2-3 sets / 8-12 reps each (24/36/36 lbs.)
*Side Dumbbell Raises: 2-3 sets / 10-12 reps each (24/36/36 lbs.)
*Smith Machine Incline Presses: 2-3 sets / 8-10 reps each (24/36/36 lbs.)
*Machine Rows: 2-3 sets / 8-10 reps each ( 50 lbs.)
*Dumbbell Curls: 2-3 sets / 10-12 reps each (12/15/18 lbs)
*Kneeling Cable Crunches: 2-3 sets / 15-20 reps each (60/70/80 lbs)
*Leg Raises; 2-3 sets / 10-12 reps each (just using own body weight)
Day 2
Core Training
**30 min. before or after strength training (Elliptical/Zumba)**
*Good Mornings: 2-3 sets/6-10 reps each (18/24/24 lbs.)
*Stiff Legged Dead lifts: 2-3 sets / 6-10 reps each (18 lbs.)
*Kettle bell Swings: 2-3 sets / 6-8 reps each (20/25/25 lbs.)
*Dumbbell Side Bends: 2-3 sets / 12-15 reps each (15/18/18 lbs.)
*Russian Twist on Stability Ball: 2-3 sets / 10-13 reps each
*Planks on Stability Ball or Against Wall: 3 sets / 20-30 seconds each
Day 3
Lower Body
** 30 min. cardio before or after strength training (Elliptical/Zumba)**
*Horizontal or 45% Leg Presses: 2-4 sets / 8-10 reps each ( 45/60/60 lbs.)
*Leg Extensions: 2-3 sets / 10-15 reps each ( 36 lbs.)
*Lying Leg Curls: 2-3 sets? 10-12 reps each ( 24 lbs.)
*Seated Calf Raises: 2-3 sets / 10-12 reps each ( 10/20/30 lbs.)
*Inner Thigh Machine: 2-3 sets / 8-10 reps each ( 45 lbs.)
*Outer Thigh Machine: 2-3 sets / 8-10 reps each (45 lbs.)
*Abdominal movements of your choice (I have been experimenting with a ton of these, I will do a separate blog detailing some)
So, that's my workouts. I try to allow 1 day in between to recover, but it isn't always possible. However on the days that I workout hard 2 days in a row, I am very sore afterwards. I'm learning the hard way that recovery time is very important. I feel that my body is adjusting to this workout plan so I am really looking forward to starting a revised plan next week. I hope this helps you to maybe try some of these same exercises. Let me know how you like them. Until tomorrow....
New Upcycle Ideas 769
23 hours ago
Great work out.
here's my exercise plan:
Day 1: think about exercising
Day 2: think about exercising
Day 3: Eat some chips
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