I've been doing some shrinking lately, but not the kind you might think I'm talking about.
I'm not ashamed to admit it. Well, ok...maybe just a tad bit. But I've been seeing a psychiatrist once a month since about 2 months before my surgery. And to be honest, it's been great for me. I think I mentioned this in a previous blog, and if I didn't, if you've known me for any length of time, I have always been up front about struggling with Post Partum Depression after my youngest 2 sons were born. And I've been on and off with the depression ever since. Well, one of the things both my husband and I were concerned about with the surgery is that there is a high percentage of patients who undergo weight loss surgery that suffer from depression afterwards. So, we decided that it would be a good idea to talk with my doctor about our concerns. My family doctor, who has little experience treating depression, referred me to Dr. Fawaz. From the first meeting with him, I have always felt very comfortable and at ease talking openly about my struggles. In fact, I remember at my first appointment, when I walked into his office, there were 2 places to sit. A chair and a couch. I joked with him that I was NOT gonna sit on that couch. EVER! You know, there's that stigma associated with psychiatrists and couches....I always head straight for the chair! Anyhow, I've seen him regularly since then and I am currently taking 2 prescriptions to help me through this time. Actually, as of today, I'm only taking one. I'm doing well, so we decided to try it with only one and see how it goes. I like him. I mean, as a doctor. And I trust him. That's important. Except there's this thing. At every appointment, he always talks about food. It starts out innocent enough. He'll ask me something like..."Do you miss food?" Or, "How are you doing with your eating?" Then, he'll ask me if there's anything in particular that I miss. Like, chocolate, or salty snacks, or meat, or.....Then he'll start telling me some of his favorite foods! He'll go on and on about this kind of bread that he likes, or he'll tell me that his favorite chocolate is Ghiardelli. Then I get hungry for those exact same things!!! So today, when he started, I jokingly said, "OK, that's enough, your making me hungry!" I think he got the point. I dunno, maybe he's using some secret psychiatrist mind game thing. Maybe he can tell alot about me by my reactions to what he's talking about or something. Just a thought. But for some reason, I always feel better after talking with him. Like someone other than my family (who are supposed to care about me anyhow) cares about my success. It's encouraging. Well, of course I am paying for him to care, aren't I?
And you know what else I like about my monthly appointments? The drive to and from his office. It takes about 20-25 minutes to get there and the same to get back home. It's a peaceful drive with pretty scenery. I usually schedule my appointments during the boys naptime and when my husband is home. So, it's a nice break after a stressful morning. And today was especially nice. My appointment was over fairly quickly, so I knew the boys would still be asleep. Before I went home, I stopped off at the furniture store where we've bought all of our furniture for the past 10 years. Were in need of a sectional. We don't have enough seating in our living room right now, so were looking to upgrade. It was a nice stroll through the store browsing through all the lovely things. And I think I found one that I really like. And it's a good price too!
So, yay for me!!!!
It's been a good day today!
If you are in need of a pstchiatrist, I highly recommend Dr. Jamal Fawaz. You can contact him at...
Brook Lane
P.O. Box 1945
Hagerstown, MD 21742
Hi..I just read your personal post...and I must say you are a very open and honest individual..That's wonderful to see...we're always coming across people that put on a show for us...but when you get right down to it, we're all in the same boat...the struggle with one thing or another...or one problem of some kind...
I like it when people are REAL...and you are not "ON YOUR WAY" woman, you are ALREADY there!
stop by sometime..and keep posting your open heart..
carmelina ciao!
Okay so this is my third comment...but I forgot to mention my first blog give away contest ever! ... all you have to do is follow and leave a comment.
you just might win...ends Friday
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