I love candles and even more than candles, I love candlesticks. I don't have many, but the ones I do have I love. My favorites are these 2 cute white ones with crystal dangly things hanging from them. I'm sure there's a name for the dangly things, but I don't know what it is. Then there's this one silver one I found at a thrift store yesterday for 99 cents. A creative idea that I borrowed from my sister was to roll pages from old books up to look like a taper candle and use in the holders instead of a candle. Purely for decorative purposes, of course. So that's what I did. I've already had the white ones on display in my dining room for awhile
I already knew who took them. I always know who did it when something disappears in the house lately. It's my 20 month old son, Hezekiah. The boy is the very definition of mischief. Look it up in Websters, I'm sure you'll find his mug right there beside of the word. His mind is always wandering, trying to find the next thing to get into. I narrowed my inquisition to him...."ZEEKIE (my nickname for him) WHAT DID YOU DO WITH MOMMY'S CANDLESTICKS?" Immediately he got down on his hands and knees like he was searching for them. He's 1 which means he has the memory of an 80 year old so he probably didn't even remember taking them. I looked everywhere I could think...in the toy box, in the trash, under the coffee table, behind the couch (I did find 2 missing sippy cups there), upstairs, downstairs...they were nowhere to be found. Like I said, I could easily make new ones, but for some reason, this just irritated me. Anyhow, I quickly forgot about it in the chaos of changing diapers, getting dinner on the table, and clearing the dining room table of my craft clutter. When I lifted Zeke up to put him in his high chair for dinner, I found one of them. The poor thing (the candle, I mean) was all crumbled up and stuffed into his high chair seat along with 2 clothes pins and a kids bowling ball. Yeah, that makes total sense now! 
Silly me. Why didn't I think to look there? It's so obvious of a place to hide them!

Mystery solved. Well, not quite. The other one is still missing. Eh, I'm sure I'll find it in the most obvious spot of all when I'm not even looking, like probably in my underwear drawer!

So, I have this thing. Yes, another pet peeve. I think this makes 10 that I've told you about since starting my blog. It has to do with the toilet paper in the bathroom. First of all, I like it to be "over" not "under." And secondly, men...when the roll is empty, don't just get a new one out and sit it on top of the old one. Change it. Replace the dang thing! Throw the old one away! But in 10 years of marriage, my hunka hunka handsome hubby hasn't learned that it bothers me. I'm not complaining. Actually it makes me chuckle each time he does it now. It only slightly bothers me, but not enough to....let's say....make him suffer for it (wink wink). So what do you think I saw when I walked into the bathroom this evening? Yep, you guessed it! A new roll of toilet paper resting atop the old empty cardboard tube. Oh well, I'll choose my battles. This one is no biggie.
Silly me. Why didn't I think to look there? It's so obvious of a place to hide them!
Mystery solved. Well, not quite. The other one is still missing. Eh, I'm sure I'll find it in the most obvious spot of all when I'm not even looking, like probably in my underwear drawer!
So, I have this thing. Yes, another pet peeve. I think this makes 10 that I've told you about since starting my blog. It has to do with the toilet paper in the bathroom. First of all, I like it to be "over" not "under." And secondly, men...when the roll is empty, don't just get a new one out and sit it on top of the old one. Change it. Replace the dang thing! Throw the old one away! But in 10 years of marriage, my hunka hunka handsome hubby hasn't learned that it bothers me. I'm not complaining. Actually it makes me chuckle each time he does it now. It only slightly bothers me, but not enough to....let's say....make him suffer for it (wink wink). So what do you think I saw when I walked into the bathroom this evening? Yep, you guessed it! A new roll of toilet paper resting atop the old empty cardboard tube. Oh well, I'll choose my battles. This one is no biggie.
OK, I'm done rambling for now. I'm off to make more candles. Have a great day!
If you posted Zeke's picture they would all know what your talking about:) One look at that little face and you know he just did something.
I like the toilet going over and I don't fuss about the roll anymore, if you can't bet join them.
LOLOLOLOL I can just see those cherubic little faces looking up at you.
You know what they say about the mother of little boys?
She's busy from "son-up" to "son-down"!!!!!!
That toilet paper thing...I just do NOT get why men do that!!! It's such a basic thing, right...?
Our brains are wired differently, for sure!
and btw, i like it over too!
ciao again....
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