You know those tags that you sometimes see on clothes? One size fits all. Lies, lies, lies I tell ya, just a bunch of lies! Now in this age of political correctness I’ve noticed that the wording has changed. Now they say One size fits most. Thank you for that correction. But they still didn’t fit me. Last week I had a couple dollars to spare, and by that I do mean a COUPLE dollars. I was browsing through my favorite store The Christmas Tree Shoppe. I found a few good deals so I took my little basket to the register to pay. I was musing to the cashier that I could never work in that store. If I did, I would most likely blow my entire paycheck there. She then motioned to a little corner behind her piled with this and that. She said “That’s my pile.” She had slowly accumulated things from throughout the store to purchase for herself. I noticed peeking out from the pile something in my favorite shade of pink. It’s actually kind of a berry color. I asked her what it was. She got this look on her face like I imagine the cat who just ate the canary would have. She told me it was a robe. I mentioned that it was my favorite color. She then proceeded to tell me about the incredible deal the store was having that day on those robes. They were regularly $15.99 but just for one day they were on clearance for $1.00. I asked her what sizes they came in. She told me they were “one size fits all”. Oh man! What a bummer! And it was my favorite color too! I could hardly believe it. But still, I couldn’t pass up a deal like that. She had already begun to ring up my purchases so I looked behind me to see if there was anyone waiting. There was no one. I asked her to hold on for one second. I quickly made my way to the spot where she told me they were, grabbed one for my sister and started on my way back. I glanced down and saw the tag. I stopped in my tracks. One size fits all. Hmmm. I wonder…….I turned around, picked one up for myself and hurried to the register. I finished paying for my purchases and made my way home. I could not contain myself. I had to see if it fit. After all, I’d lost 25 pounds by now. That should make a difference, right? Well it did. It fit me! Hallelujah! I am loving my new robe! Every night after I put the boys to bed, I slip it on. It feels so good! Imagine that! Me wearing a “one size fits all” garment. Anything is possible!

Tip of the day.... When putting food on your plate at mealtime, try this. Divide your plate in half. One half of your plate should consist of lean protein such as chicken, fish, turkey, lean ground beef, eggs, etc. Now look at the other half and divide that into thirds. 2/3 of that side should consist of vegetables and fruits and that last 1/3 should be your starches like potatoes, rice, and pasta. Now when you start to eat, have the protein first. It fills you up quicker and you might not want all of the other food if you eat the protein first. It's important to get that protein. It keeps you full longer and gives you energy. If your still hungry, then you can move on to your vegetables then finally the starches. It's also very important to watch the portion sizes that your putting on your plate. The nutrition information given on the labels means nothing if you don't stick to the portion size. Get used to measuring and weighing the foods according to what the package says is the correct portion size. I have gotten in the habit of doing that. I use measuring cups for foods that can be measured that way and I bought a food scale for $4.50 at Wal Mart that weighs meats in ounces. When I started doing this, it really opened my eyes. What I thought was a serving size before was actually 2 or even 3 servings. It made sense to me then how I have gotten so overweight. But don't take my word for it, try it for yourself and see what you find.
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