I’m feeling a lot like Cinderella lately. Except I don’t have a Ball to go to and I definitely don’t have money for a new pair of shoes! I know, I know…my plight isn’t any different from every other American mom, but it’s MY life and this is MY blog so I’m just gonna go ahead and vent! My life is work, work, work and not enough play! Laundry, vacuuming, dishes, cooking meals, running errands, scrubbing toilets, and the list goes on. And the last bit of decadence that I rewarded myself with is gone. Food! I know I did this to myself. It was my decision to have the surgery. I just miss eating! It’s not that I’m feeling incredibly hungry because honestly the ½ cup of food that I can have 3 times a day does almost fill me up, it’s just that I still want to eat. The signals from my belly to my brain are just getting mixed up. My belly is saying “I’m full” but my brain is saying “I don’t care, I still want some chocolate!” I’m starting to feel like that proverbial baby whose just had their candy taken away and I just want to throw myself on the floor and throw a full blown tantrum complete with kicking and screaming! It’s so hard to shop at the grocery store and prepare meals for my family. It’s incredibly tempting walking through the snack food aisle and seeing those Gibbles cheese curls sitting on the shelf all lonely, just calling out to me to rescue them and take them home with me! Or the Smore's flavored Pop Tarts or the Texas Garlic Toast……I just miss eating like I used to. I love food and I feel like I’ve lost my best friend, my constant companion when my husband is at work and my boys are in bed at night. My only “friend” who was always there to comfort me when no one else was. I honestly feel like I’m going through stages of grief and only someone whose gone through this surgery could understand. It’s not like someone who’s just on a diet. You could be on a diet and still overeat and nothing happens. But if I overeat right now, I’ll get sick. I’ll vomit. I’ll feel incredibly uncomfortable. Always before if I was feeling down or if I accomplished something, I rewarded myself with food. You know, going out to dinner, ice cream, whatever I craved at the moment. But now, I can’t do that. I can’t even celebrate that I’ve lost 25 lbs in my normal way. I mean I’m happy, incredibly happy. I just miss eating.
Tip Of The Day....Here's another meal idea for breakfast. General Mills Fiber One Complete Pancake Mix is an excellent alternative to some of the other brands. When compared to the Great Value Buttermilk Complete Pancake and Waffle Mix that my family used before, the calories are reduced by 40g, the fiber increased by 4g, the carbohydrates reduced by 6g, and the sugar reduced by 5 g. The protein is the same. However, to give yourself a boost, my husband and I have come up with this idea. We add 1 scoop of Whey protein powder in the vanilla flavor and grind up some Grape Nuts cereal in the food processor to add to the mix as well and this increases your protein by as much as 25g and your fiber by 8g. When combined with sugar free syrup, your off to a pretty good start to your day. Don't forget to add some fruit like strawberries, blueberries, grapes or a banana and your bound to have a great day!
I know I havn't gone through what you have but when I quite smoking 10 years ago, I went through some of the same things. I felt as if I lost my best friend it was hard to function on a day to day base's with out my bad habit. Just to let you know it will pass just as my habit did, I know you might not think that now but it WILL... What helped me was, I only took it one craving at a time, I tried not to think of it as forever, and it's been 10 years and going strong.
You can do it!!!
Thank you for your encouragement. I really appreciate it. I needed to hear that. Very good advice. Thanks!
I've often wondered if there is something in our brains-maybe a chemical or hormonal imbalance-that causes our brains to scream FEED ME when our belly say's it's STUFFED. Or is it habit/emotional? I wish I knew the answer.
Hang in there! You are looking great!
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