It's been awhile, but I'm back...with a message of hope. I'm sure at first, it won't seem like it, but hang on, it's coming!
Last night, I was minding my own business, changing diapers, bathing my boys, washing dishes, folding laundry and all of the usual stuff that a typical Thursday night entails when all of a sudden, my "normal", "comfortable"and "perfect" little life came to a screeching halt. My husband called me from work to tell me that we needed to talk. Now. Over the phone, he filled me in on the details of the last 30 minutes of his life. When he arrived at work for the night, he, along with all of his other coworkers (including his immediate supervisor) were called into a meeting with the Publisher of the newspaper for which he works, the Human Resources Director, and a few other management personnel at the paper. During the course of the meeting, all of the 32 employees in attendance were informed that as of April 15, they would no longer have a job. The entire printing and distribution departments are going to be outsourced to another newspaper in order to save the company money. I can't say that we didn't see it coming. But still. Big time shocker. I mean B.I.G. My husband has been with the same employer for 33 years. His entire working life. It's all he knows. All that he's formally trained to do. So, what now? Tears, lots of tears. Sobbing. Wailing. Fear. Worry. Questions. And then....Peace. Peace in remembering that it is not "man" that supplies our needs. It's One who is greater. Greater than any man, or job, or paycheck, or compensation package. Jehovah Jireh.... our provider. El Shaddai...the God who is more than enough! Jehovah Shalom...The Lord our peace! Jehovah Shammah...the Lord who is present! Emmanuel...God with us!
It's funny how God is. Right in the middle of the worst trial of your life, he will cause a song to rise up within you. And that's what he's done for me. I've been singing of his greatness all day long!
And the outpouring of love from family and friends has been overwhelming! Just when you think your all alone in the world, God will show you just how wrong you are! We know for sure that we are not facing this time alone!
So, what next? We're not sure yet what God has in store for our family. My husband met with company officials today to discuss severance packages and I have to be honest, we were not impressed with what was offered considering my husband has given his entire life to the company. And he will need to begin the search for another form of employment. But it's not over yet.
Today, I've caught myself countless times falling into a semi -panic state, but each time, I remember what my very wise Pastor once taught my husband and I during a difficult time in our marriage. When your present isn't what you thought it would be, and when your future is uncertain, look back. And remember. Remember all that God has brought you through, all he's done for you. And so that's what I'm doing. I'm reminding myself. And in case you don't know, I want to tell you what God has done in my life and in the lives of my family.
*10 yrs ago, I was told by my Dr. whom I respect very much that the likelihood of me becoming pregnant and carrying a child full term was not very promising. Today, I'm the proud mama of 3 boys...one who is our son through adoption and 2 whom I gave birth to.
*During the process of the adoption of our oldest son, we were blessed with a $10,000 gift to help pay for the adoption.
*6 years ago, we were blessed by a member of our church family, with a brand new custom roof on our home.
*4 years ago, we were given a Chevrolet suburban to fit our growing family.
*Last year, we were given a minivan.
*A few years ago when our marriage was going through a dry spell, we were blessed with $500 to go away for 3 days to be refreshed and renewed as a couple.
*3 Christmases ago, our family was blessed anonymously with 3 $100 American Express cards for our boys.
I could go on and on and on with the countless ways that God has chosen to shower our family with his love and provision. So, why would now be any different? We're watching and waiting for our next blessing from our Heavenly Father and we laugh in the face of adversity because as good as he's been to us, we know without a shadow of a doubt that THE BEST IS YET TO COME!!!
Last night, I was minding my own business, changing diapers, bathing my boys, washing dishes, folding laundry and all of the usual stuff that a typical Thursday night entails when all of a sudden, my "normal", "comfortable"and "perfect" little life came to a screeching halt. My husband called me from work to tell me that we needed to talk. Now. Over the phone, he filled me in on the details of the last 30 minutes of his life. When he arrived at work for the night, he, along with all of his other coworkers (including his immediate supervisor) were called into a meeting with the Publisher of the newspaper for which he works, the Human Resources Director, and a few other management personnel at the paper. During the course of the meeting, all of the 32 employees in attendance were informed that as of April 15, they would no longer have a job. The entire printing and distribution departments are going to be outsourced to another newspaper in order to save the company money. I can't say that we didn't see it coming. But still. Big time shocker. I mean B.I.G. My husband has been with the same employer for 33 years. His entire working life. It's all he knows. All that he's formally trained to do. So, what now? Tears, lots of tears. Sobbing. Wailing. Fear. Worry. Questions. And then....Peace. Peace in remembering that it is not "man" that supplies our needs. It's One who is greater. Greater than any man, or job, or paycheck, or compensation package. Jehovah Jireh.... our provider. El Shaddai...the God who is more than enough! Jehovah Shalom...The Lord our peace! Jehovah Shammah...the Lord who is present! Emmanuel...God with us!
It's funny how God is. Right in the middle of the worst trial of your life, he will cause a song to rise up within you. And that's what he's done for me. I've been singing of his greatness all day long!
And the outpouring of love from family and friends has been overwhelming! Just when you think your all alone in the world, God will show you just how wrong you are! We know for sure that we are not facing this time alone!
So, what next? We're not sure yet what God has in store for our family. My husband met with company officials today to discuss severance packages and I have to be honest, we were not impressed with what was offered considering my husband has given his entire life to the company. And he will need to begin the search for another form of employment. But it's not over yet.
Today, I've caught myself countless times falling into a semi -panic state, but each time, I remember what my very wise Pastor once taught my husband and I during a difficult time in our marriage. When your present isn't what you thought it would be, and when your future is uncertain, look back. And remember. Remember all that God has brought you through, all he's done for you. And so that's what I'm doing. I'm reminding myself. And in case you don't know, I want to tell you what God has done in my life and in the lives of my family.
*10 yrs ago, I was told by my Dr. whom I respect very much that the likelihood of me becoming pregnant and carrying a child full term was not very promising. Today, I'm the proud mama of 3 boys...one who is our son through adoption and 2 whom I gave birth to.
*During the process of the adoption of our oldest son, we were blessed with a $10,000 gift to help pay for the adoption.
*6 years ago, we were blessed by a member of our church family, with a brand new custom roof on our home.
*4 years ago, we were given a Chevrolet suburban to fit our growing family.
*Last year, we were given a minivan.
*A few years ago when our marriage was going through a dry spell, we were blessed with $500 to go away for 3 days to be refreshed and renewed as a couple.
*3 Christmases ago, our family was blessed anonymously with 3 $100 American Express cards for our boys.
I could go on and on and on with the countless ways that God has chosen to shower our family with his love and provision. So, why would now be any different? We're watching and waiting for our next blessing from our Heavenly Father and we laugh in the face of adversity because as good as he's been to us, we know without a shadow of a doubt that THE BEST IS YET TO COME!!!
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