First things first...if you know me at all, you know that I don't believe in luck, so don't take it the wrong way, I just needed a catchy title, OK? Got it? Good.
Now, second things second...I'm sorry it's been a month of Sunday's (not really, but I'm a perpetual exaggerator) since I've blogged, but I've been sorta, kinda, just a smidge bit busy raising a rascal bunch of 3 boys.
Now, third things third...OK, enough of the numbering stuff, I've got a lot to say and that's gonna get real old real quick, so just try to keep up with my ramblings as best as you can! I went for my third fill on my band today and in a way I really really wanted to go, and in another way I really really wanted to avoid the appointment like the plague. Don't get me wrong, I really needed a fill, I mean like REALLY NEEDED IT, but I was just a tad apprehensive about the...drum roll please..............WEIGH IN! Scary thing, that ominous big black machine sitting in the corner of my doctor's office. Now I weigh myself at home, but it's only the official weigh in that goes in my records that counts. As of the last visit, I had experienced a significant slow down in my weight loss, only losing 6 lbs in a 7 week time period. I know, I know...before you go throwing tomatoes at me, that is a good weight loss and I know a ton of people that would be giddy over that, and I am proud of it, but I had been hoping for more. And this time, I knew it would be less. For starters, I've been a bad girl lately as far as my food choices go, and to top it off, I'm bloated and retaining water right now, so I knew it wasn't gonna be good. I was at least hoping to be the same weight and that I didn't gain anything. Thankfully, the scales were kind to me and I did lose 3 more pounds since my last visit bringing the total to 38 lbs. Thank you, thank you, thank you!
But the weight loss was just the tip of the iceberg as far as issues that I needed to address today at my appointment. I've been having some disturbing physical changes taking place that I am none too happy about. First and most alarming to me is the hair loss. I'm serious. This is no joke. Every time I wash my hair, I end up with a handful of hair that comes out. It's bad. Really bad. It's not like I have thick hair as it is, so this is really bothering me. And I'm really tired. I know that I have been burning the candle at both ends, so to speak, as of late, but it's really hard to tell if it's because I'm raising 3 boys, babysitting two 11 month old girls two days per week, as well as all of the other stuff that goes with being a mom, or if it's really something to worry about. I just want to be sure that nothing is wrong. So, my Dr. gave me a long list of things to do, most importantly starting with a full blood work up. He's checking everything... iron, B12, glucose, folic acid, Vitamin D, and the list goes on. He's also checking for "malabsorption post surgery" and "malnutrition mild degree" whatever those things mean. That last one actually makes me laugh. One would certainly not think of me as being malnourished at first glance, huh? Anyhoo...that's that! Oh, and he actually said I might not be getting enough fat to eat. Imagine that!
Next on the list is to up my protein intake from 50-60 grams to 70! That's near impossible. I struggle getting enough already. I'm still not sure how I'll do it. And I also need to increase my multivitamin intake from 1 per day to 2 as well as adding a B complex, fish oil supplement and Biotin. Great. Just great. I can barely remember to take my 1 multivitamin each day and that's with signs posted all over the house to "take meds". Really I have those signs. I made them up after forgetting for almost a week straight to take my vitamins and other meds. I'm so forgetful.
So, to get to the "lucky" no. 7.....Today I received another 1.5 cc's of saline in my band bringing my total amount to 7 cc's. I am super excited that Dr. Small went with that amount. I've been hungry lately. Honestly, I feel like some days I can eat just as much as I could before the surgery. I've really been trying to pay attention to it, but it's so hard to tell if I really am hungry or if I just want to eat just to eat, you know...old habits die hard.
So, that just about sums up my day. Thanks for following along and putting up with my randomness. I appreciate all of the support from everyone that has encouraged me, complimented me, or admired me from afar. You know who you are ;-)
Until next time........
P.S. I forgot to mention that my Dr. wasn't as concerned as I was at the significant slow down in my weight loss, especially when I mentioned to him that I have been running and preparing to do a 5k run next month. He said something about my muscles storing more water or something to help with the physical exertion that goes along with running. I dunno, it just sounded good to me! So, that's my story and I'm stickin to it!!!
1 comment:
you are doing awesome----I thought the hair loss was due to you pulling it out over your little angels misdaventures(really it's not noticable)
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