I should have known. Last night right in the middle of the mall, my one year old threw up all over me. Up my sleeves, down the front of my shirt, on my jeans, even on my boots. I thought it was just because he was jumping around in the play area and then stuffed his mouth full with a peanut butter cracker. But alas, I was wrong. I caught his virus. I woke up in the middle of the night moaning and groaning in pain. Don't ya hate that feeling when you know your sick, but you try your very best not to throw up? And then when you finally do, you feel better for a little while until the vicious cycle starts all over again. Yuck! I hate this! I even had to go to Wal Mart feeling like this. It was my normal grocery day so it had to be done. We were out of everything. And I almost lost it right in the middle of Wal Mart. Thankfully I made it home without embarrassing myself totally. I had to call my doctor because I was warned before my surgery that vomiting can be dangerous for me. The band could slip and cause a hernia and then I would need lots of tests and possible surgery to correct the problem. Rather than giving me a prescription for the vomiting right away, they advised me to....get this.....go on full liquids for 2 days! Are you kidding me? Again? This is getting ridiculous already! But I do understand. At least with only liquids, there is less of a likelihood of vomiting. So, here I go again! While I was at Wal Mart, without thinking I bought my old standby for when I'm not feeling well - Ginger Ale. It's my favorite thing to sip on when I'm sick. But I forgot that I'm not supposed to have anything carbonated. It could cause bloating and possibly stretch the stomach out. And that's not good at all. So, I asked about it when I called the doctor. He told me that I could still have it if I really needed to. I just have to let it sit out for awhile to let all of the fizz go away before I drink it. Fair enough. So that's what I did. It's the only thing I've had all day. I haven't even taken my multi vitamin. I'm afraid to. I'm such a baby when I'm sick. If even the slightest thing makes me gag, I'm done. If the gagging starts, vomiting is sure to follow. I've always had a weak stomach. Even as a child, my older sisters (Missy, you know you did it too! ) would tease me by pretending to pick their noses or some silly stuff like that just to see me gag. I couldn't take it. And I still can't. My poor husband, who works nights, got no sleep today because he was taking care of me and the boys. He was on dirty diaper duty all day long! Even the smell of a dirty diaper sent me reeling today! Hopefully this will pass and I'll be back to "normal" in no time. One good thing, though. Maybe my not-so-friendly scales will finally budge again! Here's hoping!
Sorry to hear your not feeling well. Thanks to your little jumping jacks, peanutbutter cracker eating, blue m&m picker upper, I'm not feeling so well on my stomac right now. I though it was just because I ate as much junk food tonight as Zoey from vintage sue's blog, but I don't think so I'm really not feeling well.
Oh yea about the nose picking, I wasn't pretending! Why is it my name was the only one mentioned.
Hope your better soon;)
oh Andrea, I feel for you. I had it on Tuesday. and I'm one of those "lucky" people that rarely actually pukes up anything. I just dry heave and wish it would come out. (I know, TMI!!!)
Take care of yourself on this SNOWY day!!!
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