Tonight for the first time since my surgery, I got sick, vomited, hurled, puked, blew chunks, up chucked, threw up, heaved. Whatever you want to call it, I did it. After surgery, this can happen for one of two reasons - if you eat too fast, or if you eat too much. I’m not going to lie, I ate too much. If you remember, I had to go for 48 hours with just clear liquids. Well, my 48 hours was up and my kids had pizza for dinner. I ate some. More than I should have. Not anywhere near what I used to be able to eat. I ate less than 1 slice, but it was still too much for what my stomach can hold. I knew it when I was eating it, but it was just soooo good. I didn’t care. Then I started to feel uncomfortable. It’s a hard feeling to explain, but I could feel it coming. I tried to stifle it, but no matter how hard I tried, up it came! Oh man! I hate throwing up! Why did I do this to myself? Worse yet, each time you throw up, you run the risk of your band slipping or twisting. If I remember correctly, if I ever get the flu or some kind of virus where throwing up is involved, I’m supposed to call my doctor’s office to get a prescription to stop the vomiting. Thankfully, it just happened one time. I’d like to say that I’m never ever going to overeat again, but I know that would not be true. I will do my very best and I’ve done very well so far, with the exception of tonight. But I can guarantee that there will be another time when the food will taste too good or I’ll be incredibly hungry, or emotional, or whatever and I’ll want to eat. And when that time comes, hopefully I’ll remember my experience tonight and that will be enough to make me stop, but I’m not making any promises. I’m finding that just taking it one day at a time is too long for me to think about. I have to take it one meal at a time, moment to moment. And sometimes that’s all we can do. Your issues may be different than mine, but I’m certain that everyone has something that they struggle with. But even though, our issues may be different, one thing is the same. When we call out to God to help us, He will be right there. When we are weak, He is strong. When we fall, He will be there to pick us back up. When we can’t stand ourselves, He loves us unconditionally. And just when we think we can’t make it any further, He gives us the grace to make it one more day. This is my testimony. I’ve come too far to go back now. I’m moving ahead. I’m not letting this one little slip up get me down. Tomorrow is another day and I will make it! And you can too!
You are AWESOME!! And you are doing AWESOME on this journey. You're so right, we all have struggles, we all have things we are going through.... thank God for His goodness and His grace. And thank you Andrea for sharing your heart and being used of God to help others as you walk this walk. I love you Bestie!!!
Isn't it funny how we all do this? We have a tradition of having donuts for breakfast for each of the kids birthdays. I LOVE donuts but I haven't had one in months so I decided to have just one, well before I knew it I had eaten 3!!! I felt so lousy the whole day! Maybe one day we'll learn the lesson.
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