My husband made a deal with me. He has been putting up with me whining about how I need some new clothes for a few weeks now. Each time we are getting ready to go anywhere outside of the house I go through at least 5 outfits before I find one that I’m somewhat satisfied with. Most of my clothes are too big for me now. Well, actually I could still wear some of them for a little while longer, but there’s just something about losing weight that makes you want to show yourself off. I don’t want to wear those baggy clothes anymore. I want to buy some things that fit me and in a size that I haven’t worn in a few years. So I guess he finally got tired of hearing it, so he made me an offer that I could not refuse (with a little bit of negotiating and some sweet talk thrown into the mix). We have separate closets for both his and my sanity. Mine is ridiculously organized. All like things hang together, first dresses, then skirts, followed by long pants, then capris, next is sleeveless shirts, then short sleeves, long sleeves, jackets, sweaters, and so on. And of course, all the same hangers hanging in the same direction. His is not. You know that saying that Forrest Gump made famous? Life is like a box of chocolates…you never know what your gonna get. Well, Tom’s closet is kind of like that. You never know what might fall out when you open the door. So, he told me that if I cleaned out his closet for him, I could have some money to buy new clothes. I humored him into thinking that he was in control of the situation. Because you know if I really really wanted to, I could just get the clothes without cleaning his closet and he would never say a word. But, all is fair in love and war, so I accepted his offer. The bidding started at $200. I quickly reminded him that I really need to replace EVERYTHING. Of course, I’m not silly enough to spend it all at once. I realize I’m going to go through several sizes before I reach my goal, but I really do need some things right now. You know- underwear, bras, a pair of jeans, a few shirts, some workout clothes and for my honey, I just might buy a new nightie too! So with that reminder, he moved it up to $250. I still wasn’t satisfied. I won’t tell you exactly what I whispered in his ear at that moment, but what I said got me an extra $50! What can I say, I got it like that! So, this morning I started on my part of the deal. Whew! I didn’t know what I was in for. This is going to need to be done in stages. It might take a few days. But it will all be worth it when I’m sporting a new outfit soon. Oh yeah, I’m not sure exactly when it is that I will get to go shopping since the one stipulation that my husband was firm on is that I will need to wait until we receive our income tax refund. Bummer. But I can wait! Can anyone say…SHOPPING SPREE?
My husband would drive you nuts. He leaves all his clothes jumbled up in the clothes baskets and picks through them each morning!
Lauren has MORE clothes than I do.
I am OCD about having his side of the closet "organized" by clothing type and all the hangers going the right way. Plus all my hangers are white and his are green and it freaks me when he mixes them up.
BTW-- good deal you got going!!! looking forward to seeing you strut your new stuff!
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