I've had a bad day and I've got a case of P.M.S. You know, "Poor Me Syndrome"
I haven't been able to clean in awhile and I cleaned all day today. I mean ALL DAY! I started at 9:00 this morning, worked all the way through lunch and naptime, stopped at 6:00 to sit down for a few minutes, then went to the grocery store and now at 10:00 tonight, I'm still not finished.

I'll just be honest. I feel like crap. Is an Elder's wife allowed to say that word? Well I just did! I've been a grouch all day and I've taken it out on my whole family. I don't think they even want to be around me right now.

Anyone else ever had a day like this? A day when you can't stand even to be around yourself? That's how I feel. I just want to crawl into bed, pull the covers over my head and forget this day ever happened.

And I want some comfort food! Cheese curls, chocolate, potato chips, Krumpes donuts, a Big Mac and some fries, a pepsi, some spaghetti.......Anything! But noooooo, I'll have to settle for my little 1/2 cup of applesauce!
sorry not much to say but LOL!!
I sure hope your day is better tomorrow, for you and your family's sake.
Thanks for your candor in your blog. I really enjoy reading them, and knowing that even spiritual people who seem to have it all together have their bad days too! We share many of the same struggles and I totally relate to your entries! Hang in there! ;-)
I'm tossing you some calorie-free cyber chocoalte and a bag of chips.
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