I’m coming out of the closet today. Yes, it’s true… I’m Andrea McCall and I’m a chocoholic. Now my secret is out. I love chocolate. All humans need air to breathe, water to survive and food for nourishment. I need chocolate to stay sane. Some medicate themselves with Prozac, some take Paxil, and some even use Zoloft, but I eat chocolate. Milk chocolate is my favorite, but in a pinch, I’ll eat any kind. And I’m not a chocolate snob either. It doesn’t have to be Ghiradelli, Hershey, or Nestle. Generic brands will do just fine. And when mixed with peanut butter, it’s divine! This being said, eating chocolate became off limits for the time being after surgery. I’ve done fine until now. I think it’s because of all the cookies, pies and cakes I’m being surrounded by during the holidays, but I’m having some serious withdrawal symptoms. So, I got creative without cheating. I am allowed to have sugar free, low calorie hot chocolate. I checked. It’s on my list of foods/drinks I can have. This morning I got my ingredients together to mix up my trusty protein shake and I had an idea. I grabbed a packet of my Swiss Miss Sensible Sweets Diet hot chocolate with added Calcium and Vitamin D (with only 25 calories per serving) and added it to ½ cup of fat free milk, 6 oz of artificially sweetened vanilla yogurt, 1 ½ scoops of protein and 4 ice cubes and got to mixin! The anticipation was killing me! Would it work? Would it satisfy my craving? I always like to put my shakes in the freezer for a few minutes after I mix them to thicken them up just a bit, so I did that and stood impatiently, looking at the clock for that 5 minutes to end. When it was time, I pulled it out, stirred it up and took a gulp………Ahhhhhhhhhh……I was in heaven! The most delicious thing I have tasted in weeks! It was so good. It tasted just like a triple thick chocolate milkshake from McDonalds. Pure genius! All is well in my world again!
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